Aumaine Rose Smith is a poet, writer, and editor based in Cleveland. Her creative work appears in New England Review, AGNI, Kenyon Review, Pleiades, Meridian, Southern Indiana Review, and other journals. Recipient of an MFA in creative writing from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and a BA in English from the Ohio State University, Aumaine has received support from the Ohio Arts Council, the University of Illinois’ Choreographic Platform, Chautauqua Writers’ Center, and Allerton Park’s artist-in-residence program. She was twice awarded the University of Illinois’ Mary K. Peer Memorial Award for poetry and was a finalist in Phoebe’s Greg Grummer Poetry Contest and Ruminate’s poetry contests. Aumaine has taught university and community creative writing courses; managed outreach, development, and events for literary organizations; and volunteered as a transcriptionist for Commonplace podcast. Prior Sundress Publications editorial intern and assistant managing editor of Ninth Letter, Aumaine now directs the Chad Walsh Chapbook Series at the Beloit Poetry Journal and is the managing editor at the Cleveland Museum of Art. She is at work on a debut collection of poetry.